Real Madrid football stars are given free BMW cars worth up to £109,000 (photos)

Real Madrid football stars have been given free BMW electric cars as part of a sponsorship deal between the club and the German company.

Players including Karim Benzema and Luka Modric, and manager Carlo Ancelotti, are among the recipients of the fully-electric BMW iXs or i4s. 

Real Madrid football stars are given free BMW

Prices for the BMW iX start at around £71,000 and can cost up to £109,000, while the i4s cost between £53,000 and £66,000.

Real Madrid football stars are given free BMW cars worth?up?to??109,000 (photos)

They were able to choose their own model and colour after being provided with the cars by BMW.

Real Madrid football stars are given free BMW cars worth?up?to??109,000 (photos)

Real Madrid players had previously driven Audi cars during the club’s long-standing partnership with the company, which ended after nearly two decades earlier this year after failing to agree on a new contract following negotiations.

Real Madrid football stars are given free BMW cars worth?up?to??109,000 (photos)

The Spanish giants then entered into a partnership with BMW.

Exact details have not been disclosed but local media reports claim the German car manufacturer is paying Real around £6.5million a year.

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