“When you feed those richer than you, God deals with you” – Reno Omokri

Human rights activist, Reno Omokri condemns the idea of an average person giving to those that are richer other than to the poor.

According to the politician, being generous is a welcoming gesture which God smiles at but not when it is from a less privileged to a richer individual.

In an Instagram post, Reno emphasized that it is worse when the intention has to do with showing off.

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“Nothing wrong in giving money to people. But, don’t go into debt to show people how much you love them. Even worse is going into debt to try to belong to a clique that already knows who belongs and who doesn’t. Use your money to get wealthy, not to get attention!

When you feed the poor, God feels you. When you feed those that are richer than you, God deals with you. Your wisdom is profitable. To you. Your foolishness is also profitable. But to others. Not you. How can you give someone what your haven’t given your mother?

God does not reward nice people. He rewards wise people,” he wrote.

"When you feed those richer than you, God deals with you" - Reno Omokri


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