(Watch) Embarrassing moment man in wheelchair beat up able-bodied guy

An unexpected fight broke out on the streets of U.S. between a physically disabled man and an able-bodied one, and it had an even more shocking result.

The man in a wheel chair beat up the one who could walk and it was so embarrassing that he could not muster a decent fight back.

In a trending video, he could be seen holding a bottle of beer in his hand while receiving the pummeling.

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He was able to land some intense punches on his opponent who probably thought that it would be easy to lay hands on him since he was in a wheelchair.

However, the differently abled man was able to knock the other one to the ground on repeatedly during the few seconds of intense fighting.

He was knocked down so terribly that he could be seen struggling to get back on his feet with little success.

Watch the video below:


@Edgardo32452105; You dont wanna fight a dude in a wheelchair and win, but you definitely dont wanna fight and lose, either way its an L

@itachisbaes; Fighting someone in a wheelchair is crazy but ending up on the floor is crazier

@Bkwrd1; If you fight back & “win” then iss “Dam how you gonna do that to somebody in a wheelchair 🤨” if you don’t fight back and “lose” iss “DAM, to somebody inna wheelchair!? 😂” so at that point juss leave bro 😭

@miamiyony; To the looks of it…buddy did not need the wheelchair…more like a prop… His legs,arms,neck,back…..all moving

@MagnetoRex4Life; if in an altercation of some sort , never get within arms reach of someone who depends on their arms to be their legs too, that’s a different kind of strength you want no part of.

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