Labour Party (LP) chieftain Peter Obi has said the video circulating online, supposedly showing him leading a protest in Abuja, is false and meant to blackmail him. Obi, in a statement shared on his X account on Friday morning, clarified that the video was recorded during his visit to the Labour Party headquarters.
He also dismissed a video twisted to suggest he declared war on Northerners, which he said, he spoke about tackling economic stagnation, insecurity, and corruption.
He said the video showing him leading a protest in Abuja, was taken during his visit to the Labour Party headquarters, where he mediated a clash between the party and the Nigeria Labour Congress.
“I have noticed some deliberate and well-orchestrated efforts by some persons to blackmail me into conforming to some of their nefarious agendas.
“Their dubious moves have led to the false circulation of a video from my recent keynote speech at the installation of Rotarian Professor A. U. Nnonyelu in Anambra State.
“They have twisted the video to suit their motive to suggest that I declared war on Northerners when, in fact, I spoke about declaring war on economic stagnation, insecurity, and corruption.
“Another video circulating online, supposedly showing me leading a protest in Abuja, is also false. The video was actually taken during my visit to the Labour Party HQ, where I mediated a clash between the Labour Party and the NLC.
“The video was conveniently edited to create a false narrative, and those responsible have been paid to spread this misinformation. This kind of misinformation has no place in our democracy, where truth and honesty should prevail.
“This misrepresentation is part of a larger narrative of blackmail, aimed at fitting me into their malicious agenda. I remain committed to a new Nigeria where justice, equity, and caring for the citizens will prevail over the greed of a few,” the former Anambra Governor wrote on X.