British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has released a chilling three-part investigative documentary titled “Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua” which uncovers the alleged atrocities perpetrated by the late Prophet TB Joshua of The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).
According to investigations by #BBCAfricaEye, the famous Nigerian Televangelist engaged in a range of sexual offences, including serial rape, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse like forced abortions. Other allegations include faking miracles, covering up the real story of the tragic building collapse, among others.
Extensive interviews with survivors of TB Joshua’s alleged sexual abuse unveiled shocking details of their experiences during their period of active service in the church as members of his discipleship.
The documentary, released on Monday, January 8, comes over two years after the SCOAN Founder’s death.
Temitope Balogun Joshua, widely known as TB Joshua died on June 5, 2021 shortly after a church service, just one week to his 58th birthday.
Reactions trail BBC Documentary of the late prophet
The BBC Documentary on the late TB Joshua took many people by storm, and as expected, reactions are swimming in by the second.
First, the BBC has been called out for releasing the investigation outcome over two years after the Prophet’s death, when he can no longer defend himself against the allegations by his former disciples.
The BBC however, stated that Prophet Joshua died shortly after the first segment of interviews had been conducted.
Meanwhile, there have been divided opinions on the development. While some are in great shock over the revelations, others claim the BBC connived with the former church workers to cook up lies about the prophet.
Recall that four years, some former members of the Synagogue spoke up about being tortured and raped by the Pastor. The most prominent of them all was Evang. Bisola Johnson.
Below are some of the reactions as seen on X:
We are not watching this BBC.
The man is not here to defend himself. Why did you not create such documentary when he was alive?
I have to question the authenticity and intention behind this BBC Africa documentary on TB Joshua.
I am not a fan of divine hustlers trying their best to push their church business higher with all sorts of attrocicities, but I am against BBC Africa for hiding the attrocicities until the man d!ed.
Of what use is the documentary and investigation when TB Joshua is nowhere to defend himself of be punished for his alleged crimes.
How about investigating and creating a documentary about others who are still alive and may have important stories to share? It would be a great opportunity to shed light on important issues and allow individuals to have a platform to defend themselves and speak their truth.
@BBCAfrica you are cowards, who will speak for @SCOANTBJoshua now that his dead. Your documentary is useless. You should have released this when he was alive. Now I ask again, who will speak for him, how will he defend himself.
Watch Documentary here: