PYC ELECTIONS 2024: Plateau State Youth Council (Electoral Committee/Youth Engagement)

The Voice of an Individual cannot spearhead the Voice of the Majority in PYC in Regards to Zoning.

Haba jama’a!! When and how has PYC cherished values been bastardized like this? How can Elcom interfere with an important organ like Larger House? Those of us that are knowledgeable of these ugly happenings in PYC and do nothing to salvage what we labored to maintain should be ashame of ourselves.
Let’s guide these young friends, please. Let’s drop our political sentimentality and ensure the right thing is done. Those of us who were there from formative stage know very well that it is Bokkos’ turn to produce the next PYC Chairman. This is sacrosanct!!
My heart bleeds for my once cherished PYC….

Other facts

History of the Chairmanship of Larger House before creation of Nassarawa State on the 1st October 1996 up to date are as follows;

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(1) Mr Mosese Adagadzu from Nassarawa Eggon
(2) Late Nanshep Dagum from Quanpan
(3) James Akala Barry from BASSA
(4) Samuel Ahmadu Adamu Myesgin from Kanam
(5) Comrade Michael Maqual from Bokkos.

If the Chairmanship of Larger House is to be officially recogned with, then after Comrade William Wokyit Audu from Kanam served as the State PYC Chairman, Samuel Ahmadu Adamu Myesgin from same Kanam took over the Chairman of larger House from James Barry. He was there  for almost ten years. Was there any problem? No!
Larger House and the Veterans have been the conscience of the Youth Council. The purpose is to guide and advice.
Those willing to take their advice for guidance can do so. However, those not willing to take it are free to do so too.
It is a free world.  But, time shall indeed tell.Those in the Christian faith should Remember and what the Bible reflects on  the Consequences of Rehoboam totally rejecting the wise Counsel of Elders ai?
A word is enough for the wise.
Comrade Nanle N Gujor
Former Speaker, National Officer, North Central Zone, Member of 5 Nigerian Reps at African Peace Youth Mission.
Chairman, PYC Veterans

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