A Lagos court sentences a man to 12 years imprisonment for murdering his wife, bringing closure to the tragic case.
“The vertical scars on the back of the deceased as stated in exhibit (f), corroborates the evidence of the prosecution witnesses,” she said.
“Prosecution has indeed established the ingredients of the offence of manslaughter, the defendant is therefore accordingly convicted of same.
“Having heard and considered the plea of the defence counsel, and also taking into consideration the peculiarity of this case, the defendant is accordingly sentenced to a term of 12 years imprisonment.
“The sentencing shall begin from the period of his incarceration, February 3, 2020,” Ogala held.
Akinlabi and his deceased wife had a misunderstanding over the volume of a radio, which resulted in a fight.
He pushed Tope, who hit her head on the edge of a table and d!ed on the way to the hospital.