Historian gives break down of birth of Jesus, says Jesus was born and crucified in Owerri

A Nigerian historian has given a breakdown of the birth of Jesus Christ and has claimed that the savior was born in Owerri in Imo State.

According to him, when Jesus was born some years back in Owerri, he was given a Nigerian name. However, many did not believe he was the son of God.

The historian claimed that Jesus was the son of ‘Jeseafor’ which was later corrupted to Joseph.

The historian further claimed that the popular New Yam Festival in Igboland is used to Mark the Crucifixion of Jesus because he was crucified in Owerri.

Historian gives break down of birth of Jesus, says Jesus was born and crucified in Owerri
Jesus Christ, the son of God

He further added that, unlike the belief that Jesus was crucified on the cross at Golgotha, he was rather crucified in one of the dangerous shrines in Igboland called “Ekwe kor oma temple”.

Watch him speak…

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